Lap Sap

Hong Kong Hiking Web: Hong Kong Adventurer: Others: Lap Sap


Monday, March 15, 2004 - 06:43 pm
Once again another off-trail hike completed at the weekend and the same old problem encountered - why do people in HK not take their lap sap/rubbish home with them??! I was hiking a stream bed in Sai Kung with limited access routes which are not marked on any HK map and there were water bottles & litter everywhere and even human faeces. What really disappoints me is that you expect to see some rubbish on the more popular trails but when you make the effort to hike off trail you would assume the people that have been there before you are also hiking these areas for their unspoilt beuaty not to ruin it for other people. Whilst I'm on the subject of littering our country parks - Why do certain hiking groups find it necccesary to litter trails by hanging cotton and plastic markers from trees - no where else in the world do hiking groups hang rubbish from trees so why do hikers do it here? Afraid of getting lost? Buy a map and compass or a piece of chalk to make a marking - Don't litter our countryside!

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